Where To Get Your Genuine Asus Laptop Battery

Where To Get Your Genuine Asus Laptop Battery

Asus is one of the leading laptop manufacturers in the world. Asus laptops are known for their impressive batteries. However, regardless of the remarkable capabilities of the batteries and the incredible quality, laptop batteries are not built to last forever. They are bound to lose their quality after a while. Therefore, you may find that your laptop battery stops working correctly after some time (usually eighteen months). When this happens, you need to find a genuine battery for the Asus laptop. This article covers how to find a battery for an Asus laptop.

Where to find a genuine battery for your Asus laptop

Numerous online and offline stores offer replacement laptop batteries for different laptop brands. The trick is to learn how to select the best store. Below are some tips for how you can find a genuine battery for your Asus laptop;

1. Search for local stores

When looking for a place to purchase your replacement laptop battery, the first thing you should do is search for stores in your location. Buying from a local store is an excellent way of ensuring a hassle-free purchase. This is because you can effortlessly access the store and do not have to worry about lengthy deliveries. This tip would come in handy whether you are working with an online store or not.

If you choose an online store, you can have the delivery made in a short time. On the other hand, if you work with an offline store, you need not worry about lengthy travels to the store and back. This is also beneficial when you need to request product replacements.

2. Create a shortlist of store

Creating a shortlist of stores selling replacement laptop batteries is also a good idea. This way, you can compare things like the prices and types of products available. When creating the shortlist, you must ensure that each store carries the same laptop battery you wish to purchase.

3. Check the store’s reputation

You must also check the reputation of the store. This will help you avoid issues like being scammed. You can check the reputation of the store by checking its reviews. The internet features a wide range of trustworthy review platforms that you can check to ensure that you can trust the store before purchasing a replacement laptop battery. You can also ask friends and family before settling on one store.

How to check if your laptop battery is genuine

Once you have figured out where you wish to purchase the laptop battery, you still have to check if the battery is genuine before buying it. The following are some things you can do to ensure the genuineness of the battery;

  • Check if the product number matches the one on the device
  • Check with the manufacturer for details about the old battery
  • Conduct a battery test to ensure its condition is perfect


Once you have done everything listed above, the next thing to do is acquire the new Asus laptop battery and place it in your machine. You can search the internet for a guide on how to replace the old battery with the new one.