Tips For Reviving A 613 Lace Wig

Tips For Reviving A 613 Lace Wig

The 613 wig is a human hair wig that's coming up fast in the hair industry. It's in the group of colored wigs with a shiny blonde shade that you can miss to spot. People seem to embrace colored wigs more than before, and this wig is not an exception. It has all the good human hair qualities, but one major downfall is the fading. The 613 wig fades over time, especially when washed regularly. Instead of discarding it, you can restore its appearance. We discuss tips for reviving a 613 lace wig below.

How to revive a 613 lace wig

Here are ways to make your 613 wig better and wearable.

1. Detangle the lace wig by brushing

Regular brushing of wigs is recommended to prevent matting. It helps get rid of tangles and knots that cause unnecessary hair breakage. When the wig strands start to break or shed, their volume reduces. If the hair is extremely matted, working on it is challenging. Apply a good amount of conditioner to make the wig moist and let it soak for a while. Using a wide-toothed comb, go ahead and brush it from the tips upwards. If possible, try sectioning the hair and work on each until you're done. Wash the wig to remove dirt and oils, then rinse thoroughly using cold water. Pat using a towel, then apply moisturizer before hanging it to dry.

2. Wash the lace wig

Washing enhances the absorption of oils into the wig. However, don't do it too much to slow down the fading process. Again, if you stay too long without cleaning the wig, it starts to dry due to the thick barrier of dirt, dust, and hair oils.

3. Condition the wig regularly

It's an important practice for all wigs. It should be part of your hair routine, done at least twice a week. However, you can only do it on tangle-free wigs. Start by detangling if the wig has knots before coming to this process. Deep conditioning is perfect for a dull-looking 613 wig. A dry wig is quite unpleasant and feels stiff. The procedure adds moisture to the wig and restores its original luster.

4. Ziploc boiling

It is one of the uncommon ways of restoring your 613 lace wig. You may wonder how you're supposed to boil your wig, but it's pretty easy. Not every 613 wigs are boiled as it depends on the nature of destruction. Boil only those in horrible conditions. Comb through the hair to detangle, then apply an oil-based conditioner. Alternatively, mix a good amount of conditioner with oil and apply it to the wig. The mixture rejuvenates the wig and makes it soft and shiny again.

Place the wig in a Ziploc, then put it in boiling water for about half an hour. Afterward, take it out and put it in a bowl with the same boiling water. Leave it for an hour, then take out the wig, brush it and air dry it.


Follow the tips provided to restore your 613 wigs. Develop a maintenance routine always to have your wig in good condition. The processes above are safe, cost-friendly and you can do them yourself from home. Only purchase a new wig if necessary. Nevertheless, avoid discarding it if restoration is possible.